Professional Services
Expanding Effectiveness
Professional Services
Leader Six’s comprehensive healthcare management services uses a continuum of care model delivering patient centric Care, Collaboration and Outcomes.
Our professional staffing services and products includes:
Personnel Staffing
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) provides a multifaceted approach to identifying, diagnosing, and engaging OSA patients while also managing appropriate follow-up, compliance and resupply for long-term treatment and monitoring.
- Certified Registered Polysomnographic Technologist (RPGST) – Leader Six’s sleep clinic program management and technical staffing services enables your team to maximize their expertise and expand your capability.
Medical program management support
- Certified Respiratory Technicians deliver and setup CPAP/BiPAP/AutoPAP support services for patients prescribed sleep disorder devices. Our respiratory project management professionals are dedicated to delivering the best sleep and respiratory setup services, enabling medical professions to focus on providing care to patients.

“Ten months after opening, our Defense Sleep Medicine Clinic won our hospital’s Traveling ACE Award for excellence in providing sleep diagnostic and treatment services.”
Director, Military Medical Center