Community Engagement
Community Engagement Has Entered A New Era...
Today, local communities face the twin threats of global economics and, domestic and global terrorism. The local communities’ ability to build and sustain a viable economic community ecosystem is continuously contested by unrelenting Global Economic Tradewinds. And. the nearly two-decade old domestic and global war on terrorism has left our local and military communities awash in “Trauma,” and their citizens battling post-traumatic stress and other conditions.
Yet, there’s hope. Entrepreneurship remains the engine of community economic prosperity. And, unexpectedly, the fatigue from terrorism has presented the arts and the military communities an epic opportunity to join force to build a more resilient community by creating Arts & Military Community ecosystems - where individuals can heal on their own terms and experience, what we call, Post Traumatic Strength (PTS).
From its beginning, Leader Six has been committed to enhancing community socio-economic health and prosperity through generating greater entrepreneurship and building community resiliency.